Saturday 4 February 2012

Bone of my Bones

When God initiated the institution of marriage. He brought the woman to Adam. In Verse 23 of Gen chapter 2:Adam says, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman... This statement connotes:
1. Adam's complete agreement with God.
2. He also affirmed what God has done.
3. In fact he went ahead and personalised it.

In the preceeding verses, the scriptures say that whatever Adam called all the creatures that were paraded before him, that was their name. If I may extrapolate that, whatever we call our wives as men, that will be their name. Adam had the  option of calling her a different name but consider how he exclaimed and claimed God's blessing!
A question that arise now is, how do you see people call, address, carry or treat their spouses? It follows that whatever we call our spouses, that is the name they will bear in our minds, in our hearts, in our circle of friends, ... Are you planning to get married, if you are not careful, you will address your wife by the wrong names and title. Are you married? what do you call your wife? Who is your wife to you deep down in your heart? A necessary evil? a companion and friend?
Your spouse is God's gift to you. How did you recieve this gift? I remember as I write this, Once my wife agreed to marry me. The day we were engaged, she gave me a very fine folder. She had kept it for whoever mr right is. This in retrospect is her way of saying, this is a man I will respect and care for. She does a very good job of that till now. Some people cannot but see the disappointment of their father or mother in their spouses. The good news is that we can choose how we we see and call our spouse. And everybody can start now.

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