Thursday 25 May 2017

Bargain With Life for a blissful Marriage

Bargain with Life for a blissful marriage


I bargained with Life for a penny,
And Life would pay no more,
However I begged at evening
When I counted my scanty store;

For Life is just an employer,
He gives you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages,
Why, you must bear the task.

I worked for a menial's hire,
Only to learn, dismayed,
That any wage I had asked of Life,
Life would have paid.”


When applied to marriage, the truth espoused herein is profound. The first step is to bargain with life for a great marriage. Many there are who do not know and has not taken time to decide what they want in marriage let alone bargain for it. They would take whatever marriage throws at them.

The good news is that we could all bargain with life for a great marriage. There are always people who would not be bothered; who would eerily be content with the penny: discord today, conflict tomorrow. Whereas, others in similar circumstances go back and again to bargain for a better married life. For the excuse mongers: too tall, too short, too poor, too rich, too proud, too late, too early or whatever one’s excuses, what have you got to lose? There is much to be gained by taking the time to ponder, consider, reorder marital or life priorities and bargain hard with life for a blessed marriage. Why would you settle for a penny when life would freely give you a blissful marriage?

A good place to start is: consider the questions below, once you have some idea, then discuss these with your spouse.

Where are you headed in your marriage?

Where are you in your marriage now?

What do you need in order to get you to your desired haven in marriage?

When you consider what you want from your marriage, what you want from your future, then and only then could you bargain with life. It is this process that I sincerely want to kick start in some and amplify in others. Many people do not bargain at all with life as far as their marriage is concerned. So if they have a penny, it is the generosity of life actually.


In many fields of life we are encouraged to write down or list what we want. We often had essays like what I want to become when I grow up. Instinctively then, we thought about our vocation or profession. At this point in time I am asking the reader, if possible, to write down a few things you would like about your marriage in the future (In five, ten or twenty years). Begin with the end in mind. Bargain with life for a blissful marriage.
You could have a blissful marriage!!!

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